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Technical Status of the Design and Construction of Steel Concrete Structures
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Literature shows that there are many types of double skin composite modules.
This document does not cover all the forms of Steel Concrete Structures. The AFCEN working group 8 has chosen to focus on specific forms based on the experience of the group members.
The design schemes presented in this report are examples for illustration and should not be considered for other purposes.
This report does not predict what may be or will be written in the future AFCEN codification but rather presents what exists today and when possible, provides advice.
This report is meant to group together a large analysis (not exhaustive) of standards and publications of Steel Concrete Structures. There are 2 main chapters in this report which relate to the design and construction of Steel Concrete Structures.
The main intention of this report is to help a future user of Steel Concrete Structures to understand the key elements to design and build Steel Concrete Structures.
This document does not cover all the forms of Steel Concrete Structures. The AFCEN working group 8 has chosen to focus on specific forms based on the experience of the group members.
The design schemes presented in this report are examples for illustration and should not be considered for other purposes.
This report does not predict what may be or will be written in the future AFCEN codification but rather presents what exists today and when possible, provides advice.
This report is meant to group together a large analysis (not exhaustive) of standards and publications of Steel Concrete Structures. There are 2 main chapters in this report which relate to the design and construction of Steel Concrete Structures.
The main intention of this report is to help a future user of Steel Concrete Structures to understand the key elements to design and build Steel Concrete Structures.
AFCEN-PTAN-04001-2024Technical Status of the Design and Construction of Steel Concrete Structures
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