PTAN RCC-F 2020 Compatibility analysis with reference documents
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RCC-F 2020 Compatibility analysis with reference documents – WENRA SRL 2014
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This document compares and analyses the compatibility of the RCC-F 2020 with some reference documents in relation with fire protection. In the present version, the following reference document is analysed:
•WENRA Safety Reference Levels for Existing Reactors - UPDATE IN RELATION TO LESSONS LEARNED FROM TEPCO FUKUSHIMA DAI-ICHI ACCIDENT - 24th September 2014
For each reference document, the compatibility is provided in a dedicated appendix.
To appreciate the compatibility of the RCC-F with the reference documents, four criteria are used:
• A: the principles of the article are fully applied in the RCC-F
• B: the principles of the requirement expressed by the article are applied in the RCC-F but not explicitly expressed
• C: the article is applied in the RCC-F as a recommendation but not as a requirement
• D: the article is not applied in the RCC-F
•WENRA Safety Reference Levels for Existing Reactors - UPDATE IN RELATION TO LESSONS LEARNED FROM TEPCO FUKUSHIMA DAI-ICHI ACCIDENT - 24th September 2014
For each reference document, the compatibility is provided in a dedicated appendix.
To appreciate the compatibility of the RCC-F with the reference documents, four criteria are used:
• A: the principles of the article are fully applied in the RCC-F
• B: the principles of the requirement expressed by the article are applied in the RCC-F but not explicitly expressed
• C: the article is applied in the RCC-F as a recommendation but not as a requirement
• D: the article is not applied in the RCC-F
PTAN RCC-F 2020 Compatibility analysis with reference documents

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