A word from the chairman, Post Congress 2019
I would like to thank the 230 experts from Europe, Asia and United-States for attending the 2019 AFCEN Congress. This 5th edition was marked by the quality of the speakers’ contributions and the new format allowing direct speech.
Having the French and International outsourcers’ attending the round-table sessions enabled collecting the AFCEN codes users’ point of view (French units, EPR2, JNPP, HPC, UK HuaLong, ATMEA 1).. All acknowledged the huge and primordial work of AFCEN expert members to reach 2018 editorial program, major for conformity to French regulation of mechanical codes.
During these two days and half, the attendees could measure how the AFCEN codes are alive thanks to incorporating technological watch and users return of experience.
This congress marks an important step forward for AFCEN which is the opening to Europe and the World, major for the nuclear industry and projects’ success.
I particularly thank all AFCEN experts and working groups for their tireless work and their conviction to elaborate industrial solutions to serve nuclear safety.
The next congress will take place in 2021 within two intense and active years in the nuclear sector. Let’s make our success be the project’s!