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RCC-M 2022
Reference: AFC312
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Design and construction rules for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands
Main edition
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This work is the thirteenth edition of RCC-M by AFCEN. It incorporates all the modifications and additions made to the previous edition (2020) by this 2022 edition.
It is composed of 141 modification sheets (no. 1723 to 1863, both included).
The changes made in this 2022 edition are notably related to the following provisions:
This edition also includes changes to standards that were not subject to an overhaul; they are found in the tables A 1300.
Erratas of the RCC-M code have been published, follow this link: Errata of RCC-M code.
It is composed of 141 modification sheets (no. 1723 to 1863, both included).
The changes made in this 2022 edition are notably related to the following provisions:
- The inclusion of improvements identified during work to demonstrate compliance of the code with the essential requirements of French regulations (appendix I of the directive 2014/68/EU and appendices I to IV of the French order of 30 December 2015 modified on 3 September 2018, referred to as the “ESPN order”), or during their evaluation, with changes related to design, including:
- Details about justifications to produce for test rate reduction;
- Details about limitations of the code in annex ZZ 200;
- Introduction of a warning about boiler effect risk in B 3170 and C 3170;
- Introduction in ZZ 300 ESR 2.2.3a of requirements about stress determination methods;
- Added requirements in Annex ZY, related to the respect of some requirements of the amended french order of 30 december : Article 8-1, Article 8-2 and Article 8-4;
- Status modification of TPS M 3321 in ZY 350 towards technical qualification ESR 3.2 for sections with forged integrated nozzle;
- Rewrite of rules of A 5000 concerning requirements to establish and use a quality management system;
- Rewrite of RPP n° 1, now based on standard concerning quality management systems NF ISO 19443 defining specific requirements for nuclear energy sector;
- Introduction of new TPS M 3209 for procurement of bars for fabrication of latch housing of control rod drive mechanism;
- Introduction of additional requirements for conducting drop weight tests, by referencing an AFCEN technical publication (PTAN);
- Rewrite of annex Z G;
- Introduction of RPP n° 7 and n°8 proposing alternative methods for fatigue analysis;
- Introduction of RPP n° 9 concerning analysis of multi-perforated tubesheets behaviour;
- Introduction of RPP n° 10 proposing alternative design rules for bolted circular flange connections;
- Introduction of provisions to implement for ultrasonic examination by UT-TOFD and UTPA techniques and acceptance criteria, for class 3 ferritic steel welds;
- Rewrite of the provisions to implement for magnetic particle examination;
- Evolution of welding requirements, taking into account feedback;
- Taking into account edition 2017 of standard NF EN ISO 15614-1 for welding procedure qualification test;
- Adding a requirement to prevent harmful thermal gradients during local heat treatment of circular welds of cylindrical components;
- Rewrite of paragraphs of RPP n°4 dedicated to valves seismic qualification, addition of qualification procedures for safety valves in normal and accident conditions and introduction of rules for pump tests.
This edition also includes changes to standards that were not subject to an overhaul; they are found in the tables A 1300.
Erratas of the RCC-M code have been published, follow this link: Errata of RCC-M code.

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