Reference: AFC277
This AFCEN Technical Publication (PTAN) sets out requirements and provides recommendations for the consideration of cybersecurity in the design of instrumentation and control assembly architectures and programmed digital systems and equipment performing instrumentation and control functions (later referred to as ‘instrumentation and control systems’ or ‘systems’).
This PTAN is based on the clauses from IEC 62645, IEC 62859, IEC 61513, IEC 60880 and IEC 62138 standards for the design of programmed digital equipment and systems and related architectures, while excluding the clauses related to plant operation. Thus, following the requirements of this PTAN ensures compliance with design-oriented clauses from the above cited IEC standards. Appendix C presents compliance ratio with IEC 62645 and IEC 62859 standards.
All entries in parts 3 to 7 of the PTAN are written as requirements. However, a table specifies whether the entry is a requirement, a recommendation or is not applicable, depending on the security degree. This is the way to ensure graded requirements in this PTAN. This graduation is explained in part 2.
This PTAN may be used in addition to the requirements of the RCC-E or any other prescriptive document for the design of digital systems and equipment performing instrumentation and control functions.
The requirements of this PTAN are applicable to all projects (new installation or modification of an existing installation). However, for implementation by the contractors, they shall be supplemented by a project-specific contractual document drawn up by the client, which specifies the particularities to be taken into account for a given project.
AFCEN-PTAN-05001-2022Prescriptions pour la prise en compte de la cybersécurité lors de la conception des systèmes de contrôle-commande
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