RSE-M 2016
Reference: AFC47

Changes incorporated in the 2016 edition primarily relate to:
- Reorganisation of Sections A/B/C/D to ensure that Section A contains the rules that apply to all pressure equipment and to define specific rules for equipment classes in Sections B, C and D.
- Additions to the Code to facilitate application to the EPR (FLA3),
- Classification of a maintenance operation (other than Class 1) using support guides specified in the Code
Many technical changes such as:
- The distinction between a “maintenance operation” and a “surveillance operation”,
- Regrouping and updating rules concerning cleanliness,
- Clarifying the conditions for performing hydrostatic proof tests and the conditions associated with checking that the main primary system is leaktight,
- Specifying instructions for maintenance operations,
- New sub-sections on spare parts,
- Quality System requirements,
- Conditions for requalification of the hydrostatic proof test have been added to and conditions for partial requalification or hydraulic tests have been introduced,
- Checks on safety accessories have been defined,
- In the case of qualification and certification of inspection staff, the certificate is issued by a recognised third party entity (ETPR) for ISO 9712-certified staff,
Further details have been added with regard to significant variation and the parasitic nature of indications, etc….
The appendices have been adapted to include these changes. For example:
Appendix 1.1: Redrafting the glossary in connection with reorganising the Code. Words defined in the glossary are reproduced in italics in the text.
Appendix 1.3 : Update of RCC-M edition 2016 and replacement of Standard NFA 09352 “Acoustic emissions” by Standard ISO 18081 (08/2016) “Acoustic emission testing – leak detection”
Appendix 1.8 : Alignment of fluid groups with European rules on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.
Appendix 5.4 : When calculating the stress intensity factor KI for defects in pipework, the text relating to the total bending moment has been improved.
Appendix 5.5 : Text concerning mechanical properties of the material (Section I.2.4) made more readable,
Appendix 5.6 New characteristic values for ductile tearing resistance of ferritic carbon manganese steel pipework (Type A42 and A48) and associated weld joints.
Appendix 3.1.I : Incorporation of the inspection programme for the EPR Pre-service inspection (FLA3) for main and secondary primary systems (from Section B).
Appendix 3.1.II: Redrafting of the appendix concerning inspection of Class 2 or Class 3 vessels (from Section C).
Appendix 3.2 : Creation of a method for drawing up an inspection plan for equipment not assigned to an RSE-M class (from Section D).
Erratas of RSE-M code have been published, available under this link: RSE-M erratas.
RSE-M 2016 - ENIn-Service Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands

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