RSE-M 2010
Reference: AFC37
In-Service Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands. Addenda included addendum 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

Purpose and scope
The RSE-M code defines in-service inspection operations.
It applies to pressure equipment used in PWR plants, as well as spare parts for such equipment.
The RSE-M code does not apply to equipment made from materials other than metal.
It is based on the RCC-M code for requirements relating to the design of mechanical components.
Edition available as of 1 January 2015
2010 edition, with addenda in 2012, 2013 and 2014
In particular, the 2010 edition modifies the way in which pressure equipment is divided into different subsections to reflect the new French regulation governing pressure equipment.
The 2010 edition was supplemented by the following three addenda.
2012 addendum:
- For the section on "Implementation of a maintenance operation", elements were included from the inter-operator professional guide for classifying modifications or repairs to nuclear pressure equipment subject to Appendix 5 of France's ESPN Regulation.
- Additional information on test coupons.
- Further details about pre-service inspections.
2013 addendum:
- Incorporation of changes to requirements and practices for qualifying NDT applications.
- Further details about fatigue analysis methods.
- Clarification concerning the terms for applying RSE-M: company qualification and use of a test coupon.
2014 addendum:
- Updating of the zones subject to examination in case of magnetic particle testing.
- Definition of the requirements for qualifying design and modeling tools.
- Further details concerning regulated pressure equipment, including the small lines in the main primary and secondary systems.
- Modification to the standard deviation value to be taken into account for the upper envelope and the predicted upper envelope for embrittlement under the effects of irradiation for monitoring the effects of neutron radiation on the containment vessel materials.
- Integration of tapped screw holes not involved in pressure resistance.
- Description of the maintenance operation file, by identifying the necessary elements according to applicable regulations (Appendix 1.6).
- Revision of the inspection tables and associated figures for RSE-M Class 1 components (Appendix 3.1.1).
- Further details concerning the analytical methods for calculating stress intensity factors and J integral (Appendix 5.4).
For more details about RSE-M
Erratas of RSE-M code have been published, available under this link: RSE-M erratas.
RSE-M 2010 + mod 1, 2, 3, 4 - FRRègles de Surveillance des Matériels Mécaniques des ilots Nucléaires REP Edition 2010 + Mod 1, 2, 3, 4

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