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RSE-M 2020
Reference: AFC274

The In-Service Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Rules for mechanical components of PWRs (RSE-M) in this document describe the current practice in the French nuclear industry, plus the requirements of the applicable regulations, and are primarily concerned with components covered by safety classification.
The RSE-M is updated on a regular basis to incorporate experience acquired, technological progress and changes in the French regulations, amongst other things.
The figures in Appendix 3.1 contain copyrighted information; they shall only be used within the scope of the present code.
When this code is used in contractual relations, it is then accompanied by the list of materials to which it applies.
Changes made in this new edition are listed in 2020 Edition changes.
Erratas of RSE-M code have been published, available under this link: RSE-M erratas.

Take part in updating the codes
If you would like to modify a code, you can send your proposal to the relevant code subcommittee: download and complete the application form, then send the form to the subcommittee email address.
If you would like to understand the interpretation of a paragraph of the code: download the application form, enter your question and send the form to the email address of the relevant subcommittee.
If you want to benefit the nuclear industry from your feedback as a code user, share your expertise with AFCEN: download and complete the application form, then send it to the email address of the relevant subcommittee.