RCC-MRx 2018
Reference: AFC60
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Design and construction rules for mechanical components of nuclear installations: high temperature, research and fusion reactors
Main edition
Edition year:

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The 2018 edition provides the synthesis of three years of developments articulated mainly around two axes:
- Development of rules to answer to the projects’ needs from the three communities: high temperature reactors (with initiation of adapting the Code to be usable for the whole GEN IV reactors), research reactors and fusion reactors. As an example, improvement of rules to take into account irradiation, new organization of chapters addressing fast fracture and progressive deformation, finalization of A3 appendix dealing with Eurofer.
- Harmonization with other codes & standards.
Erratas of the RCC-MRx code have been published, follow this link: Erratas of RCC-MRx code.

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