- 2022 Ed. available!
Reference: AFC198
Design and Construction Rules for mechanical components of nuclear installations : high-temperature, research and fusion reactors

Purpose and scope
The RCC-MRx code was developed for sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR), research reactors (RR) and fusion reactors (FR-ITER).
It describes the rules for designing and building mechanical components involved in areas subject to significant creep and/or significant irradiation. In particular, it incorporates an extensive range of materials (aluminium and zirconium alloys in response to the need for transparency to neutrons), sizing rules for thin shells and box structures, and new modern welding processes: electron beam, laser beam, diffusion and brazing.
Edition 2022
The 2022 edition integrates the feedback of the use of the 2018 edition (or previous editions) – feedback coming from the construction (on-going) of the Jules Horowitz Reactor contributes particularly to the RCC-MRx evolution, especially for this edition, for instance:
• Materials procurements: integration of a RPS dedicated to 6061-T6 aluminium alloy flanges obtained by ring forging for the core housing of RJH or RPS for procurement of beryllium billets.
• Fabrication:
- Possibility to use polymer quenching (as an alternative to oil quenching),
- Reinforcement of requirements for nitriding and introduction of ionic processes,
- Introduction of specific rules for shearing and forming of heat exchanger plates (plate and joint type).
In addition, the following major evolutions are added:
- Creation of a properties group for X2CrNi19-10 nitrogen controlled steel [« 304L(N) »], in RPP18.
- Introduction of the CuCrZr grade (RPS and A3) in RPP23.
- Improvement of creep-fatigue rules.
- Creation of a Subsection G dedicated to core internals.
- Complete reorganization of the Tome 2 to clarify its use by gathering in a single place the procurements according to standards.
Edition 2018
The 2018 edition provides the synthesis of three years of developments articulated mainly around two axes:
- Development of rules to answer to the projects’ needs from the three communities: high temperature reactors (with initiation of adapting the Code to be usable for the whole GEN IV reactors), research reactors and fusion reactors. As an example, improvement of rules to take into account irradiation, new organization of chapters addressing fast fracture and progressive deformation, finalization of A3 appendix dealing with Eurofer.
- Harmonization with other codes & standards.
Edition 2015
This edition reflects feedback on the use of the 2012 edition and/or its 2013 addendum, especially in current projects and mainly the Jules Horowitz reactor and the Astrid project. Examples include the inspection and welding procedures for aluminum, as well as the code’s improvements and new structure relating to components used at high temperatures (design rules, welded assemblies and material properties). Initial feedback on the code’s application also helped analyze and integrate additional data on the Eurofer material used by the fusion community.
Furthermore, this edition pays special attention to ensuring consistency between RCC-MRx and the other reference documents that interact with the code, including RCCM, European and international standards.
For more details about RCC-MRx
Erratas of the RCC-MRx code have been published, follow this link: Erratas of RCC-MRx code.
PTAN RCC-MRx 2017 - FRRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MR 2007 - FRRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
Guide for introducing a new material in RCC-MRx - ENRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
Erratum RCC-MR 2007 annexe A6 -FRRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
Erratum RCC-MR 2007 appendix A6 - ENRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MR 2007 - ENRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MRx 2012 + mod 1 et erratum 2016 - FRRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MRx 2012 + add 1 and erratum 2016 - ENRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
Erratum RCC-MRx 2015 Appendix A16 - ENRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
Erratum RCC-MRx 2015 Annexe A16 - FRRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MRx 2015 - ENRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MRx 2015 - FRRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MRx 2018 - ENRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
PTAN Guide pour l'analyse sismique des matérielsRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
PTAN Guide for seismic analysis of componentsRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
RCC-MRx 2018 - FRRègles de conception et de construction des matériels mécaniques des installations nucléaires hautes températures, expérimentales et de fusion
Errata 1- RCC-MRx 2012 - EN
Errata 1- RCC-MRx 2012 - FR
Errata 1 - RCC-MRx 2012 modificatif 1 - FR
Erratum MR 2007 Figure RD 3682 - EN
Erratum MR 2007 Figure RD 3682 - FR
Erratum RCC-MR 2007 Table A6.6100 - EN
Erratum RCC-MR-2007 Tableau A6.6100 - FR
Erratum RCC-MR 2012 Table A6.2610 - EN
Erratum RCC-MR 2012 Tableau A6.2610 - FR
Erratum RCC-MR 2015 Table A6.2610 - EN
Erratum RCC-MR 2015 Tableau A6.2610 - FR
RCC-MRx 2022 - FR

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