RCC-M 2017
Reference: AFC55

Objectives of the Code
The design and construction rules applicable to mechanical components of PWR Nuclear Islands (RCC-M) are a part of the collection of design and construction rules for nuclear power plants.
It covers the rules applicable to the design and manufacture of pressure boundaries of mechanical equipment of pressurized water reactors (PWR). The pressure components subject to the RCC-M are specified in A 4000. They include the reactor fluid systems (primary, secondary and auxiliary systems) and other components which are not subject to pressure: vessel internals, supports for pressure components subject to the RCC-M, nuclear island storage tanks.
When a pressure equipment is subject to the RCC-M, all its elements subject to pressure are also, in accordance with the provisions of A 4000, and these elements are the same class as the component. In this case all the provisions of the RCC-M are applicable: design, procurement, manufacture, inspection and pressure testing.
Elements which are not subject to pressure and which are subject to the RCC-M may be covered within the Code by limited specific provisions (procurement of materials for example). The other rules applicable to this equipment must be in contractual form.
The assemblies comprising pressure equipment assembled by a manufacturer to constitute an integrated and functional whole, shall be subject to the rules indicated in this Code.
Main objectives of Code Requirements are to ensure the integrity and mechanical stability over the equipment design life. Function ability and operability of equipment are not directly addressed in the Code.
The RCC-M contributes to ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. These requirements depend on the applicable regulatory context. For information purposes:
- The correspondence between the essential safety requirements mentioned in annex 1 of European Directive 2014/68/EU and the provisions of the RCC-M is given in annex ZZ of this Code.
- The correspondence between annexes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the French Order dated December 30, 2015, and the provisions of the RCC-M is given respectively in chapters ZY 220, ZY 230, ZY 240 and ZY 250 of annex ZY of this Code.
- The provisions applicable by way of annex 1 of European Directive 2014/68/EU are clarified in annex ZZ.
- The provisions applicable by way of the French Order dated December 30, 2015, are clarified in annex ZY.
Application to other regulatory frameworks must be covered by appropriate provisions in the equipment specification or in other documents specified by the contract.
The RCC-M is representative of the state of the art as concerns the design and manufacture of PWR components, ensuring an overall safety level tested through experience.
The technical publication "Classification of the RCC-M Modification Sheets (MS) up to and including the 2018 Edition (AFCEN-PTAN-09001-2023) accompanies this edition, it is available free of charge in the RCC-M shop.
Erratas of the RCC-M code have been published, follow this link: Errata of RCC-M code.
RCC-M 2017 - ENDesign and construction rules for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands

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