Reference: AFC324
Retention of Material resulting from the Manufacture of parts of Level 1 Nuclear Pressure Equipment
Latest version published

The modification of the order of 30 December 2015 [1] on nuclear pressure equipment introduces, in article 8-1, a new requirement relating to the retention of material from the components* of N1 NPE, in particular those with a high risk of heterogeneity and of certain permanent assemblies between components* of this type.
This requirement was drafted following several recent deviations encountered on components* of reactor vessels and SGs already installed or being manufactured and for which an assessment was rendered difficult due to the lack of sufficient representative material concerning them. This requirement is not an ESR.
The purpose of this guide is to define the principles to be applied by the equipment manufacturer and material manufacturers for the retention of this material, until its transmission to the Operator.
[1] Ministerial order of 30 December 2015 on nuclear pressure equipment, amended.
NPE: Nuclear Pressure Equipment
Component*: Part of an equipment item consisting of a material produced and shaped by a material manufacturer. The components covered by this guide are main pressure parts (PPP (MPP) as defined in CLAP sheet X 207) of the NPE referred to in Article 8.1. The term "part" is also used to designate a component (series part, part RTS, etc.).
ESR: Essential Safety Requirement
AFCEN-PTAN-07004-2023 - ENRetention of Material resulting from the Manufacture of parts of Level 1 Nuclear Pressure Equipment

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