PTAN 2014 RCC-M Criteria prevention damage mechanical components
Reference: AFC321

The main objective of this work is to bring a global understanding of the approach on mechanical justification of component and to develop more particularly the specificities of the RCC-M rules.
As an example, calculating a stress within a component does not constitute the final objective; the important point is to know how to limit such a stress in order to protect the component against a given risk of damage. Such an understanding is all the more necessary, as the stress or deformation calculations tend to be more and more covered by the diverse mechanical analysis programs, and it is consequently advisable to pay more attention to the meaning and to the use of the results thus obtained. On the other hand, the design and analysis work must be put in perspective with all the precautions taken at the procurement, construction and examination levels, in connection with the various potential damage modes.
CRITERIA 2014 RCC-M - FRPrévention de l’endommagement des matériels mécaniques. Introduction aux règles de conception, de réalisation et d’analyse du RCC-M.

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