Reference: AFC133
Analysis of the regulatory texts for the classification of the parts of a valve type pressure accessory and of a safety valve type safety accessory
This note analyses the regulatory texts (ESPN Government Order of 30/12/2015, Environment Code articles R.557-9-x and R.557-12-x), together with the Guidelines and CLAP or COLEN sheets, to perform the classification of the parts of a valve type pressure accessory and of a safety valve type safety accessory. The approach is aimed at a classification solely based on the pressure risk. Classification with regard to the radiation protection risk has not been performed. The classification performed in §2.1, then in the examples in §3, presupposes that a PDA (Directly Attached Part) can only be qualified as such if it is attached by permanent assembly (CLAP sheet 283). The classification of this type of part will need to be revised if CLAP sheet 283 is challenged by the European Commission. This note is a deliverable of action 1 of work programme AFCEN/RM/16/511A. It must lead to clarification of the RCC-M code on the procedure for parts of a valve type pressure accessory and of a safety valve type safety accessory. It will also serve as an input to sponsorships AFCEN ADR N1 and ADR N2/N3.
PTAN RCC-M Guide ASP ADSCommandite « Accessoires sous pression - Accessoires de sécurité»
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