Reference: AFC314
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Radiation Protection Guide for the design of Nuclear Pressure Equipment for PWR plants in France
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The purpose of radiation protection is to protect workers, the public and the environment against radiation effects. In particular, it aims to limit the dose received by these workers by setting regulatory limits which must not be exceeded [3]. The owner shall take measures as per the INB Order [4] regarding the installation and operation of Nuclear Pressure Equipment.
This professional guide sets out the provisions governing compliance with regulatory radiation protection requirements to be met during the design and construction of Nuclear Pressure Equipment (NPE), with the purpose of contributing to the dose limitation goals.
The guide addresses the Order [1] which stipulates that nuclear pressure equipment must satisfy the “radiation protection requirements defined by professional guides that take into account the requirements stated in appendix IV of this Order,” with regard both to the materials and to the design, for enabling inspection and maintenance.
[1] ESPN Order of 30 December 2015 (amended)
[3] Article L 1333-2 of the French Public Health Code and Section 1 of article R4451-6 of the French Labour Code on received doses not to be exceeded for workers
[4] “INB” Order of 7 February 2012 setting out the general rules for basic nuclear installations (INB - Installations Nucléaires de Base)
This professional guide sets out the provisions governing compliance with regulatory radiation protection requirements to be met during the design and construction of Nuclear Pressure Equipment (NPE), with the purpose of contributing to the dose limitation goals.
The guide addresses the Order [1] which stipulates that nuclear pressure equipment must satisfy the “radiation protection requirements defined by professional guides that take into account the requirements stated in appendix IV of this Order,” with regard both to the materials and to the design, for enabling inspection and maintenance.
[1] ESPN Order of 30 December 2015 (amended)
[3] Article L 1333-2 of the French Public Health Code and Section 1 of article R4451-6 of the French Labour Code on received doses not to be exceeded for workers
[4] “INB” Order of 7 February 2012 setting out the general rules for basic nuclear installations (INB - Installations Nucléaires de Base)
AFCEN-PTAN-07003-2023Radiation Protection Guide for the design of Nuclear Pressure Equipment for PWR plants1 in France

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