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AFCEN’s new free online

training course

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Assessment guides

available online

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The answers to

the Request for Interpretation

are available online

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Discover AFCEN

in video

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Order online

Visit our publications catalog and order your codes.

Join us

Get involved in the establishment of design and construction rules of nuclear installations.

Let's train

Want to be trained in the AFCEN codes? Or you’re a training provider looking for resources?
Collaboration and expertise

Take part in updating the codes

If you would like to modify a code, you can send your proposal to the relevant code subcommittee: download and complete the application form, then send the form to the subcommittee email address.

If you would like to understand the interpretation of a paragraph of the code: download the application form, enter your question and send the form to the email address of the relevant subcommittee.

If you want to benefit the nuclear industry from your feedback as a code user, share your expertise with AFCEN: download and complete the application form, then send it to the email address of the relevant subcommittee.


Discover our latest news

Develop your knowledge of the AFCEN codes

AFCEN has set-up partnerships to support discovering codes and master their use. For each code one or several partners offer AFCEN ‘labellized ’trainings performed by code experts. Find the training adapted to your needs.

AFCEN is going digital with the launch of a section dedicated to online training. A first e-learning to raise awareness among learners about the process of a non-conformity detected on an ESPN N1 is available free of charge.


AFCEN in live

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